"The LORD has sought for Himself a man after His own heart."

1 Samuel 13:14

We invite you to join our "No Compromise" Men's Fellowship and study group. We know that God throughout time has sought men after His own heart to lead in the world, in His kingdom, in marriage and in the family. It is our goal as we gather together, to see Him fulfill His will in our lives and to complete this calling in us.

One of the ways we do this is in our gatherings on Monday nights, studying His Word together. This involves study, worship, prayer, fellowship, interaction, encouragement and exhortation. All of this is done for the Lord to conform our hearts into the one that pleases Him. If this is your heart too, please come out and join us on Monday nights at 6:30pm and be a part of our group.

For more info contact Pastor Gil

Monday Night Bible Study Messages

Men's Conference